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Baohong Aquarellpapier 300g Bögen 5er Pack


Informations sur le produit "Baohong Aquarellpapier 300g Bögen 5er Pack"

    •    Traditionally made on a cylinder mould, 100% cotton paper
    •    Acid- and Chlorine-Free, pH-neutral, and Archival
    •    300 Grams - 140 LB
    •    Available in Cold Pressed, Hot pressed and Rough
    •    Natural Gelatine Sizing to the core of the paper
    •    Natural White with no optical bleaches
    •    Full sheets of 56x76 cm are deckled on all four sides
    •    Watermarked sheets
    •    Block contains 20 sheets
    •    Blocks are glued on all four sides

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Colourstock International b.v.

Nijendal 36
3972 KC Driebergen


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